Power BI’s accessibility documentation has been expanded from one article to five new articles for you to explore. We hope that these new articles will help you learn more about how Power BI can empower your organization, report creators, and report consumers through accessibility.

Here’s a breakdown of how the articles are structured:
This article gives you an overview of universal design, and different accessibility standards that Power BI is committed to.
If your reports are viewed by large audiences or might be viewed by users with disabilities, check out this article on how to create accessible reports. It runs through different accessibility features that Power BI provides and highlights areas you should consider when creating reports with accessibility in mind. This article also has a handy Report accessibility checklist, so you can quickly review your report.
If you are a report consumer who uses keyboard navigation, screen readers, or other assistive technology, this article helps describe how you can navigate through reports, visuals, and the accessibility features that are available to you.
If you are a report creator who uses assistive technology, this article helps describe how to navigate around Power BI Desktop, so you can build reports.
This article gives a full list of the keyboard shortcuts available in Power BI Desktop.