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Learning Analytics AI Solution

Class Assistant

Personalize Synchronous Teaching with Artificial Intelligence

Personalization in the classroom is the holy grail of education, but implementing it in in-person or synchronous digital classes is a challenge. We bring that ideal closer, providing a personalized experience that optimizes the teaching and learning process.

Class Assistant is the module that integrates and coordinates the interaction between Emilia and Socrates, allowing teachers to adapt teaching to the needs and learning styles of each student. In a synchronous classroom environment, Class Assistant helps teachers prepare their lessons, understand students' prior knowledge, and organize personalized teaching sequences for each work group.


This dynamic approach fosters meaningful and collaborative learning, as well as facilitating continuous feedback tailored to each student. This experimental module, aligned with Analytikus' vision for the future, reflects our commitment to transform education through advanced artificial intelligence.


Class Assistant is an innovative module for personalizing synchronous teaching, which allows teachers to save time and improve the quality of their classes, while students benefit from tailored and meaningful learning. The four key components of Class Assistant maximize the educational experience, both in class preparation and in post-class monitoring and evaluation.

How Class Assistant Works: 

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Teacher-Student Personalization Dynamics

  1. Pre-Class Validation of Prior Knowledge
    Class Assistant starts the process before class. The teacher can interact with Socrates and outline the learning objective for the session. Socrates then coordinates with Emilia to interact with the students, validating their prior knowledge, interests, and expectations about the learning objective. Emilia collects this information and transmits it to the teacher through Socrates, providing a detailed understanding of each student’s knowledge base.

  2. Creation of Personalized Work Groups and Teaching Sequences
    Based on prior knowledge, the teacher can ask Socrates to organize work groups based on students' level of understanding, interests, learning style, and prior skills. If the Augmented Learning module is implemented with Portrait, this characterization is even more precise. Socrates generates teaching sequences adapted to the characteristics of each group, optimizing collaborative learning. These sequences can be executed synchronously or asynchronously, adapting to the needs of each group in the classroom.

  3. Monitoring and Accompaniment during Class
    During class, Class Assistant allows the teacher to receive real-time alerts and updates on each group or student’s progress, questions, and understanding. From students’ interactions with Emilia, the teacher gains detailed insight into students’ areas of difficulty and strengths, allowing them to adjust instruction on the fly to maximize learning.

  4. Post-Class Assessment and Feedback
    After class, Class Assistant facilitates assessment through the use of Grading Assistant. Socrates analyses the evidence and assignments submitted by students and generates qualitative and quantitative feedback, helping students consolidate knowledge. In addition, the teacher can ask follow-up questions to validate the level of understanding achieved by students after the teaching sequences, and the Augmented Learning module (with Learning Buddy) continues to identify areas for improvement through alerts that reflect the students' queries to Emilia.


Key Benefits of Class Assistant:

  • For the teacher: Optimization in the preparation and adaptation of classes, access to a deep understanding of how students learn and personalization of teaching sequences.

  • For the student: Promotes meaningful and collaborative learning, encourages self-awareness in learning, and provides real-time feedback.


Class Assistant Features Summary:

  • Validation of prior knowledge of the students.

  • Creating custom groups and parameterization of teaching sequences.

  • Synchronous monitoring and accompaniment during class activities.

  • Post-class evaluation with adapted feedback.

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Explore how Class Assistant, an experimental module from Analytikus, is paving the way towards truly personalized education in the synchronous classroom, bringing us closer to the vision of education transformed by artificial intelligence.




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