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Hedge Funds Employ A.I. To Redefine The Trading Business
Wall Street is looking towards Silicon Valley for a more automated environment and a tech-driven approach. A July 2016 report by CB...

Non-traditional strategies for mid-career switch to #Datascience and #AI
In this post, I explore strategies to switch to Data Science mid-career. This switch is not easy, but based on the experience of many who...

Have You Heard About Unsupervised Decision Trees
Summary: Unless you’re involved in anomaly detection you may never have heard of Unsupervised Decision Trees. It’s a very interesting...

Artificial Intelligence as a Service - AIaaS
Suddenly, artificial intelligence is everywhere. Are you AI ready if not then be ready to be read in history books. Are we not missing...

Unintended Consequences of the Wrong Measures
In an attempt to put the patient first in healthcare, Congress and President Obama in 2015 approved a bipartisan bill for United States...

Can Neuroscience unlock the doors to superhuman AI?
Human brain is arguably the most complex material human kind will ever claim to fully understand. The complexity arises somewhat from the...

From Artificial Intelligence to Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence or AI for short is the field of making computer think like humans by creating an artificial brain. Whatever the...

How to get Human element in Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is no longer a buzzword. No industry is left behind. We’re currently in a new wave of digital transformation with...

Why every business needs a data and analytics strategy
As the world becomes smarter and smarter, data becomes the key to competitive advantage, meaning a company’s ability to compete will...

Podcast: ¿Qué significa ser emprendedor? (Entrevista con Alfredo Romo)
This time we had the opportunity to be interviewed by Alfredo Romo during the EMERGE event, and be able to express our point of view...

How Leading Organizations are Leveraging Big Data and Analytics
“Data will talk to you if you’re willing to listen”— Jim Bergeson.Few can dispute that.methodology. However, the challenge comes when...

Customer Data Analytics to Uberize Retail Landscape
Drones flying in the skies to deliver packages to customers, is how technology based on data and analytics is likely to impact retail...

Data and Analytics; Don’t Trust Numbers Blindly
Data & Analytics have become main-stream. Executives and their boards are increasingly starting to question whether their organizations...

Advanced analytics and artificial intelligence coming of age
The basics. The analytical engine powering all aspects of the connected economy is transitioning from rigid rule-based algorithms to...

Connecting the unconnected with the internet of things
The basics. The internet of things (IoT) – the embedding of physical devices with sensors, network connectivity and other components so...

Better Banking with help of Analytics and Machine learning
In 2015, I was working at Diebold where we build ATM machine hardware and software and complete ecosystem around the ATM. When we talk...

Automated Machine Learning for Professionals
Summary: Summary: There are a variety of new Automated Machine Learning (AML) platforms emerging that led us recently to ask if we’d be...

Vulnerability – Introducing 10th V of Big Data
There is a huge hype of Big Data and its features, most of them have been summed up in 9 different Vs of Big data like Volume, Velocity,...

Big Data Explained in Less Than 2 Minutes - To Absolutely Anyone
There are some things that are so big that they have implications for everyone, whether we want them to or not. Big Data is one of those...

Want to know how to choose Machine Learning algorithm?
Machine Learning is the foundation for today’s insights on customer, products, costs and revenues which learns from the data provided to...
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