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Copy & paste between Power BI Desktop files

Nikhil Gaekwad

From Microsoft PowerBI blog:

Another frequent request we are delivering this month is the ability to copy visuals between .pbix files. With this month’s release, you can now copy a visual either through the visual’s context menu or through the standard Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut and paste it into another report through Ctrl+V.

This is very useful for anyone who builds and updates multiple reports frequently. When copying between files, formatting that has been explicitly set in the formatting pane will carry forward, and anything that is relying on a theme or the default settings will update to match the theme of the destination report.

If the fields in your model are different, you’ll see an error on the visual and a warning on the fields that don’t exist, similar to the experience you see if you delete a field in the model a visual is using. All you’ll need to do is replace the broken fields with the ones you want to use from the new model. If you are using a custom visual, you’ll also need to import it to the destination file as well.

Watch the following video to learn more about copying and pasting between .pbix files:

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