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The Value of Certification
Microsoft Imagine Academy designed to ensure students enter higher education, further education, or the workplace with this vitally...

The Importance of Being a Mentor and Having a Mentor
Mentoring is a very important part of what we “engage” in as educators. Whether we serve as a mentor to a colleague or a student, or...

Here’s Why So Many Americans Feel Cheated By Their Student Loans
Jen’s story is like a lot of people’s stories. She’s 35 years old. She and her sister were the first in their family to go to college....

¿Cual es la relación entre los sistemas y las matemáticas? - (Alexandro Campos)
Hoy platicamos con Alexandro Campo, Director de Tecnología de (Grupo Televisa). Alex nos comenta cual ha sido su experiencia al...

Where support for college students is ‘high-tech, high-touch’
Florida is one of 35 states that tie college funding to graduation rates. But a new study,“The Pell Divide,” finds a difference in...

Want Students to Remember What They Learn? Have Them Teach It.
Picture this: It’s Monday and Ms. D’Angelo, a seventh-grade science teacher in the South Bronx, gives her students a homework assignment...

¿Que retos enfrentas al ser Científico de Datos? - Chris Scandlen
Hoy platicamos con Chris Scandlen, quien es Científico de Datos en Laureate Education. Chris nos cuenta cómo, durante los 10 años que ha...

How Machine Learning can improve customer experiences
For decades customers have endured long queues at service centers. We queue for mortgage applications. We wait hours for medical...

How to Learn Python in 30 days
Introduction Are you looking to learn python for data science but have a time crunch? Are you making your career shift into data science...

Kicking Chicago with R.
Like most Chicago football fans, I was pretty distraught after the Bears lost last Sunday's playoff game courtesy of a missed field goal...

Mail Processing with Deep Learning: A Case Study
Businesses increasingly delegate simple, boring, and repetitive tasks to artificial intelligence. In a case study, Alexandre Hubert —...

Artificial Intelligence and Retention
Averaging across all students who start college, only about six in 10 will be at that same institution by the next year. More than a...

How to design a winning fellowship proposal
Looking to win a US graduate or postdoctoral research fellowship? Don’t focus only on your current research: you’ll need a proposal that...

Why Organisations Nowadays Want an Analytics Platform
With the nascent stage of the data revolution past us, organisations are entering a new level of proficiency in handling data expertly....

Essential Math for Data Science
This article was written by Tirthajyoti Sarkar. Below is a summary. The full article also features courses that you could attend to...

Colombia: Cómo apuntalar la experiencia educativa - (Cinthya Sánchez)
En esta ocasión Cintya Sánches, CIO de la Universidad de los Andes (UNIANDES), nos cuenta diversas acciones que se realizan tanto en su...

What's the blueprint for a 21st-century college campus?
With enrollments declining and technology advancing, colleges are breaking ground on spaces that give students and faculty new ways to...

How to pay your data scientists to increase retention
Promising data-minded individuals are easy to spot from the distance: curious detailed-oriented thinkers, energized by uncertainty, open...

Machine Learning Explained: Understanding Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning
Once we start delving into the concepts behind Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), we come across copious amounts of...

MBA vs. Data Science qualifications: Does #AI and #DataScience explain the fall in MBA applications?
Last week, the financial times wrote that there was a sharp fall in MBA applications in the USA.The Elite MBA programs were not affected...
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