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Data Engineers: Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner!
Oh,the lowly data engineer. Harvard Business Review declared the role of the data scientist as “the sexiest job in the 21stcentury.” But...

Can Artificial Intelligence replace Data Scientists?
Steve Urkel from the world-famous ABC’s sitcom Family Matters was not a Data Scientist because in the 90’s we did not call them like...

Free Book: The Definitive Guide to Pandas
Pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with “relational” or...

Next Generation Automated Machine Learning (AML)
Summary: Automated Machine Learning has only been around for a little over two years and already there are over 20 providers in this...

AI and Algorithmorcacy: What the Future Will Look Like
With the recent news about Facebook and Cambridge analytica, we are rightly concerned about the power and impact of algorithms to shape...

The Future of AI-Powered Translation on Social Media Platforms
Social media has exploded. And it is rapidly becoming the choice of marketers who want to gain a large audience, spread their brands and...

Your Data Is Sound, But How’s Your Dashboard? 5 Aspects to Consider
One of the biggest problems in data management and data science is being able to obtain “good” data. You need to gather sufficient data...

Think Like a Billionaire. Think Clean Data
Steve Ballmer the multibillionaire former CEO of Microsoft could very justifiably purchase a beach mansion in the Bahamas, erect a...

What is intelligence?
This is an AI related post on the nature and philosophy of intelligence. In the various fields that study the mind, human or otherwise,...

Three AI And Machine Learning Predictions For 2019
Machine Learning and artificial intelligence have been the talk of the town for the past few years—and the hype isn't slowing down...

Podcast: ¿Qué hay de espectacular en la Analítica Avanzada? (Uayeb Caballero)
Hoy platicamos con una persona verdaderamente apasionada con el tema de la Analítica Avanzada. Él es Uayeb Caballero, Gerente de...

Unlocking the Value in Data to Help Serve Customers
Effective data usage can help lead to big cost savings and faster, more informed decision-making. More strategically, it can uncover new...

The Changing Landscape: Data Science Trends
Year after year, data science techniques mature and deliver outstanding results with successful implementations. 2016 ends with...

Leveraging Data Science to tame the Maintenance Monster in the Digital age
The manufacturing industry is overwhelmed with the advent of machines, technology, and the internet. The fourth industrial revolution is...

Use cases of Machine Learning for E-commerce enterprises
Machine learning is one of the most searched keyword on any search engine at this point of time. The reason is quite clear; the benefits...

Is it still possible today to become a self-taught data scientist?
If you are an engineer working for a company like Boeing, have processed and leveraged data extensively over years of professional...

Africa's inspiring innovators show what the future could hold
The potential for economic and technological growth in Africa is clear. Yes, many African countries still face challenges related to...

Commerce is on the cusp of radical change. Is your organization ready?
Activities traditionally associated with commerce are being disrupted and transformed by innovations that will redefine how we produce,...

India is a latecomer to AI. Here's how it plans to catch up
"The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race", Stephen Hawking famously said. I don’t know...

AI has huge potential – but it won’t solve all our problems
Hysteria about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. There is no shortage of sensationalist news about how AI can...
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