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Environment: China deploys big data to clear smog
China's Ministry of Environmental Protection is tackling the country's severe air-pollution problems by using a holistic approach to the...
How Google is using big data to protect the environment
Google’s sustainability officer Kate Brandt outlines the company’s wide-range interest in sustainable fishing, green buildings and...
5 Ways Big Data Can Protect Our Planet
One thing is certain — Big Data can protect our plant and thus has a key role to play in environmental preservation. At a time when the phra
Women In Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
The number of women in computing is low and it looks like the number of women in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is even lower.
Smart Billing - Higher Education
This Data Science solution supports the Financial Support team as well as the Scholarships division on answering the question on what...
Student Recruitment Optimization - Higher Education
Maximize the odds of student success through data-science-generated target segments. If you want to know more about this solution click...
Student Commitment Index - Higher Education
A cloud-ready solution that calculates a student index that allows professors and academic groups to manage a closer and personalized...
Student Attrition -Predictive Model - Higher Education
Through the use of different machine learning algorithms, our predictive analytics solution provides an attrition risk score to every...
Fundamentals of Advanced Analytics - Higher Education
Learn about advanced analytics and their difference with Business Intelligence. Know what kind of questions are answered in the use cases...
Factoring Massive Numbers: Machine Learning Approach - Why and How
We are interested here in factoring numbers that are a product of two very large primes. Such numbers are used by encryption algorithms...
Machine Learning Summarized in One Picture
Here is a nice summary of traditional machine learning methods, from Mathworks. I also decided to add the following picture below, as it...
NEXT Machine Learning Paradigm: “DYNAMICAL" ML
Continuous learning using DYNAMICAL machine learning is ready for implementation today; it adds the following FOUR benefits: 1. ...
Hablemos de Tecnología: Self Service BI with Microsoft Power BI
In this video we talk about: - How PowerBI transforms your company data into dynamic visual indicators with tools that allow you to...
When Milliseconds Count – Using AI to Buy Advertising
What changes in your analytics and Big Data stack would you have to make if you only had 10 milliseconds to make a decision? There’s an...
The 7 Myths of AI - By Robin Bordoli
If you’re a business executive (rather than a data scientist or machine learning expert), you’ve probably been exposed to the mainstream...
Has Deep Learning Made Traditional Machine Learning Irrelevant?
Summary: The data science press is so dominated by articles on AI and Deep Learning that it has led some folks to wonder whether Deep...
Real World Predictive Analytics - BA Marathon
Join us in this session to explore how predictive analytics is being used in the real world. We will look at generic use cases such as...
Can computers think? An epistemology for Artificial Intelligence
As AI enters our homes through smart home devices or tries to conquer our streets through self-driving cars, one need not be a Luddite to...
4 Ways to Leverage Artificial Intelligence in Your Small Business Today
If you haven’t started using artificial intelligence in your business, you’re falling behind on the curve. Many business owners today are...
Twelve types of Artificial Intelligence (AI) problems
In this article, I cover the 12 types of AI problems i.e. I address the question : in which scenarios should you use Artificial...
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